Dear Members Of Iğdır Unıversıty

           Human is in the center of science and arts. All branches of science serve the human implicitly or explicitly and all works of art are about human so they express him/her. Source of any knowledge on behalf of science is based upon benefits for human. Art is also for people. And universities are culture and art centers. So main aim of the universities is to serve for human. Everybody in university from executives to academicians, from officials to students should work for this divine goal. In this honorable and holy struggle, everybody has a duty. University administrators and administrative staff conduct the course of proceeding; academicians produce knowledge and artistic activity and they educate students; Students are responsible for carrying this responsibility to the future.

            Any negligence of the officials brings about many problems because it is not limited within the scope of university. If a matter breaks out at university, firstly its effects will be seen in the regional then it will be effective in national. Otherwise, it will influence positively. Thus, progress of our economy and country shows parallels with progress of local dynamics. In other words, the only way to progrss and for community development in nationwide is to do his/her share properly. As respected members of Iğdır University, we request that you should act with this consciousness and perception.

        Knowledge is the greatest power in this age called as “Information Age” or “Age of Technology”. However, power masters do not employ the knowledge for the sake of humanity. It is possible that Turkish nation dominating the ages and history will change the order in the world near future. Our universities as knowledge centers play the most significant role to achieve this goal. 

Dear Academicians Of Iğdır University

         Academicians are directly responsible for functioning and doing universities’ duties. As you know, one of the main founding purposes of universities is to produce knowledge. For this, academicians should research, write articles, project and put the project into practice and organize scientific activities such as conference, symposium, seminar. We will make a great effort to provide necessary conditions for your scientific research. But your responsibility is not just that. Your principle responsibility is to educate well-supported and qualified students and individuals having moral values.

        Principle vision of our universityis to be a scientifically well-known and favourite university. In order to achieve this goal, you should perform your duties properly. In this respect, the burden on your shoulders is serious, your destination is fraught with difficulties. However, your award is also great. I wish you get great success in your studies and I accept the assurance of my highest consideration. 

Dear Youth

         Bear this in mind, “curiosity” and “suspicion” are basis of the science. They always foster interest and encourage. Having a zealous and a critical approach is the first step to become a scientist. You will take the first step at university. We will give you a back and use our reasonable efforts for you.

       As university students, we recommend  that you should not content with the education you have. Your own  personal  efforts play an important role in your self-improvment. When you graduate from university, your own personal efforts and self-improvment will be gained an advantage over your competitors. For this purpose, we recommend you that you should use the resources of university library and its electronic resources effectively.

         Information pollution is one of the problems in this age. In this sense, it is significant to reach exact information. Because, nowadays, ignorance does not mean having no idea about something, it means not knowing how to reach the information. Basic function of the universities is not to teach all knowledge, main aims of the universities are to guide the students to reach the information. Primary duty of our dear students is to improve on this direction.

          Dear students, as the promising future of our country, you will keep the flag flying in the future and set a higher standard.

Dear Staff

        Service quality of our university is based on staff. We believe that you will do your best. If you respect the environment with soft words and favour and approach to the matters in solution oriented, we believe wholeheartedly that you will carry over our university a better position into future.

         Before I end my speech, we want to state that our university has been progressing with planned strategic objectives both for meeting our country’s 2023 expectations and for becoming a rising value in its field. As Iğdır University, we are one of the youngest universities of our country. We have completed hard and technical infrastructure, and academic staff substantially. We are aware of our shortcomings. However, in our fast progressing university, we think that we should feel joyful about any innovation and experience the pride of it. As members of Iğdır University, we wish that you should share this happiness and excitement.

           Affection and Respect...

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hakkı ALMA
